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Minidoka County, Idaho VA Loan Information

minidoka2021 $0 down, VA home loan limit for Minidoka County is $548,250.

Located along the Snake River, Minidoka County is one of the most scenic counties in the state of Idaho. The county is located in southern Idaho and was named after a Dakota Sioux word, which means “spring of water.” The Idaho State Legislature officially created Minidoka County on January 28, 1913. With several lava beds, grassy plains, and thriving forests, Minidoka County is great for exploring. The rivers and streams in the county make it great for boating, swimming, fishing, and more. The county encompasses an area of 763 square miles, making it one of the smaller counties in Idaho. The total population is 20,323, including a veteran population of 1,387.

Lake Walcott is a popular spot for the locals of Minidoka County. Visitors to the lake engage in activities like water skiing, jet skiing, boating, and many more aquatic activities. Lake Walcott is a great place to take your family on a warm summer day for a nice picnic and relaxing swim. The diversity of fish species makes the lake a paradise for avid fishers. Other bodies of water worth visiting in Minidoka County include Emerald Lake and the Snake River.

People who love exploring nature, especially interesting landmarks, will enjoy the abundance of lava beds in Minidoka County. The highest lava bed in the county stands at an elevation of 4,200 feet! Another great location for exploring in Minidoka County is the Wildlife Refuge. The refuge is home to many different species of plants and animals. White-tailed deer, geese, and porcupine are just a few of the interesting creatures you will find in the Wildlife Refuge.

Minidoka County has a thriving school system with four elementary schools, two middle schools, and two high schools. The local high schools have several sports teams that host many sporting events throughout the year. Local Minidoka County sporting events are a great place to join the community in cheering on your local team! The school system offers many education resources, including libraries and after-school programs.

A Veterans Services Office and several other veteran resources are located in Minidoka County. Veterans living in Idaho are offered many benefits, including health care, employment, tax breaks, and disability compensation. The median household income in Minidoka County is $43,266, and the median housing cost is $108,500.

Take the First Step to Buying a Great Home

Contact VA Home Loan Centers to be matched with a licensed real estate agent.

Minidoka County Property Search

Acequia, Burley, Heyburn, Minidoka, Paul, Rupert

83320, 83343, 83347, 83350, 83536, 83336, 83335, 83318, 83543

Call VA Home Loan Centers at 888-573-4496 for an updated list of VA-approved properties in Minidoka County.

Minidoka County Condo Search

There do not appear to be any VA-approved condos located in Minidoka County. Obtaining condo approval is easy! Find out how by clicking here.

VFW Post

Post 3043 Mini Cassia Post
PO Box 753
Burley, ID 83318-0753
United States
Phone: (208) 878-3048

Meeting Location & Time
554 Hiland Ave
Burley, ID 83318-1425
United States
7:00 PM 2nd Thursday

Quartermaster: Clark Dickson
Vicki Fike

Maximum VA Appraisal Fees Allowable in Minidoka County

  • Single Family Residence: $600
  • Condominium: $650
  • Residential Duplex: $700
  • Residential Triplex: $750
  • Residential Fourplex: $800
  • Manufactured Home: $650
  • Repair Inspection $150


  1. Idaho VA Loan Information: https://www.vahomeloancenters.org/idaho-va-home-loan-limit/
  2. VA Loan Information by State: https://www.vahomeloancenters.org/va-loan-limit-maximum-va-loan-amount/