Human activity in Idaho dates back 14,500 years. The 1959 excavation of the Wilson Butte Cave near Twin Falls produced artifacts including arrowheads that are considered among the oldest artifacts ever discovered in the continent. Early native peoples to inhabit the area were the Couer d’Alene, the Nez Perce, the Shoshone and the Bannock. One of the last areas of the lower 48 to be explored by people of European descent, Idaho was first traversed by Lewis and Clark in 1805. The area was built up by fur trading. Missionary work also brought about migration as many found the idea of working with Native Americans of the area appealing. Part of the Oregon Country, an area occupied by French Canadians and the British, Idaho did not fall under the full jurisdiction of the U.S. until1846. Idaho was granted statehood in 1890.
Today, Idaho is one of the least densely populated states in the country. The state has a population of nearly 1.6 million, and a veteran population of just over 138,000. A large mountainous state, the area, contained by Idaho is larger than New England. Nicknamed the Gem State because of the abundance of gemstones found in it, Idaho provides open space for people seeking a more remote lifestyle. Despite the fact that it is landlocked, it does have ample rivers that allow it to be an inland seaport. The gross state product for 2012 was $59 billion, and the per capita income is $36,472. The economy is largely rooted in food processing, lumber, wood products, machinery, chemical products, and paper products. The largest sector in the state is Science and technology which accounts for over 25 percent of the states revenue and 70 percent of the states exports.
The largest city and capital of the state is Boise. The state has 18 ski resorts and a number of parks. The City of Rocks National Reserve is a popular destination for hikers and rock climbers. The Trail of the Coeur D’Alenes is a favorite of bike enthusiasts; the trail is a 72 mile bike trail spanning the panhandle of Idaho.
When a veteran purchases a home using a VA loan in Idaho, a termite inspection is not required. The median home cost in Idaho is $173,900. The property tax exemption is available to veterans who suffered a service-related injury that has left them with a disability rating of 10 percent. The exact exemption amount is variable and is determined by net income.
Military Bases in Idaho:
Idaho is home to Mountain Home Air Force Base. Mountain Home AFB is located in Elmore County ID. The general objective of Mountain Home AFB is to support air combat power operations. Mountain Home houses over 3200 personnel and their families.
Idaho VA Home Loan Limits

Idaho VA loans
NOTE: The following is for information purposes only. To find out the exact dollar amount you qualify for, call the Idaho VA Home Loan Centers Applications Support Desk at 888-573-4496 or fill out the VA Home Loan Application located here.
The loan limits below are the maximum 2021, $0 down VA loan amount set for each county. Although there is no maximum loan amount, the maximum no money down VA home loan limits are stated as follows.
- Adams County $548,250
- Bannock County $548,250
- Bear Lake County $548,250
- Benewah County $548,250
- Bingham County $548,250
- Blaine County $625,500
- Boise County $548,250
- Bonner County $548,250
- Bonneville County $548,250
- Boundary County $548,250
- Butte County $548,250
- Camas County $625,500
- Canyon County $548,250
- Caribou County $548,250
- Cassia County $548,250
- Clark County $548,250
- Clearwater County $548,250
- Custer County $548,250
- Elmore County $548,250
- Franklin County $548,250
- Fremont County $548,250
- Gem County $548,250
- Gooding County $548,250
- Idaho County $548,250
- Jefferson County $548,250
- Jerome County $548,250
- Kootenai County $548,250
- Latah County $548,250
- Lemhi County $548,250
- Lewis County $548,250
- Lincoln County $625,500
- Madison County $548,250
- Minidoka County $548,250
- Nez Perce County $548,250
- Oneida County $548,250
- Owyhee County $548,250
- Payette County $548,250
- Power County $548,250
- Shoshone County $548,250
- Teton County $822,375
- Twin Falls County $548,250
- Valley County $548,250
- Washington County $548,250
Maximum Idaho VA Loan Appraisal Fees:
- Single Family Residence: $600
- Condominium: $650
- Residential Duplex: $700
- Residential Triplex: $750
- Residential Fourplex: $800
- Manufactured Home: $650
- Repair Inspection $150
- Appraiser Timelines: 7 Days